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21Frames for Android TV





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:VENTUNO TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD No.6A, 6th Floor,A Block, Mena-Kampala Arcade, Old No.113 & 114, New No.20 & 18, Sir Theyagaraya Road , T.Nagar, Chennai-600017, TamilNadu , India

21Frames for Android TV(圖1)-速報App

21Frames app picks up best shows and videos available on Ventuno Platform. User can enjoy unlimited categories of HD videos made by experts in the industry.

Home Cooking –

The most effective way to reach anybody's heart, including your own, is through the stomach and it's not all that difficult! HomeCooking is all about, easy-to-make dishes with readily available ingredients from your own kitchen. Featuring a wide a range of recipes,Home Cooking aims at easy DIYs for amateurs and experts.

Videos contain ingredients, recipe and step by step instructions from our host. Users can search for recipes using the search option on the app or browse and choose from the playlist.

Prepare, cook and relish a new dish every day. Happy Cooking with Home Cooking !

App contains 700+ videos in the following categories:

Breakfast and Dinner

Soups and Salads

Starters (Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian)

Biryani and Pulao

Variety Rice

Curries and Gravies

Pickles and Chutneys

Snacks, Sandwiches and Street Food

Fried Rice and Noodles



Sweets and Desserts

Kitchen Tips

Art All the Way –

Art All the Way features easy to make art and craft DIY videos. Videos provide step-by-step guide to create innovative arts and crafts. Check out our videos to embrace your artistic side.

21Frames for Android TV(圖2)-速報App

Art all the way with you all through your creative journey !

App features videos under the following categories:

Paper Crafts


DIY Home Decors


Popsicle Art

Hand Made Jewellery

Mason Jar Crafts

Paper Straw Crafts

Yoga and You –

Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Practicing yoga everyday will help you to gain inner peace. Yoga is a technique for controlling mind and body. Every video contains poses with simple and easy to understand explanation with benefits. Yoga and You features over 100+ poses from beginner to advanced level and also includes Meditation and Pranayamas. Practicing Yoga will make you feel stronger, healthier, improve energy and helps in controlling weight.

This app covers the following easy to perform asanas –


Surya Namaskar

Downward Facing Dog pose

Triangle pose

Plank pose

Crow pose
